Blood Tests are only for patients of this Practice- we do not provide services to non-members

Blood Tests are only for patient of this Practice

You will be charged but no service will be provided if you book and are not a member.

Prostate Blood Tests

PSA testing in Men without a Prostate Cancer History requires careful consideration of the Pro’s and Con’s.

Nurses will not test for PSA without a prior Telephone or In-Person Consultation with the GP

Children’s Blood Tests

Children rarely benefit from blood tests as diseases are rare in children.

Those who do require Blood Tests, if under 16, will need to book via Hospital Clinics as we do not provide that service here.

Blood Tests

Phlebotomy Clinics - Tuesday and Thursday 08:30 to 12:00

Blood Tests are useful for answering specific clinical questions which your Doctor has about you or your symptoms.

Blood Tests are useful for monitoring a number of markers in your blood stream for:

  • Risk Factor Modification eg. Cardiac risk, Stroke Risk

  • Drug Monitoring e.g Thyroid Levels, Prolia, N.O.A.C, Warfarin, Lithium

  • Symptoms Investigation e.g Fatigue, Itch, Jaundice, Pain, Lumps

Blood Tests are usually not good at investigating Allergies or Food Intolerances unless you have a very specific culprit in mind.

Your Doctor will decide, in conjunction with your view, on which Blood Tests they will order.

Lists of Blood Tests obtained from “Dr. Google” or other online sources will not be facilitated.